Sunday, 1 December 2013


I haven't posted in a little while again, i'm sorry! Being busy at college (and also being grounded) means that i haven't really been doing anything to be able to blog about (/n\)
But i thought that i might post some of my drawings for you? I dont know hahaha, since i'm doing an art course at college i thought that you may be interested? (but maybe not, who knows)
My drawings are something that i sometimes struggle to show people because i don't draw like realistically or interestingly or anything i don't know like i kinda just developed my own kind of style and i just doodle? i cant draw when I'm forcing myself, for example, because then it just ends up all rubbish... but yeah! Without further ado: 

These three are just pages out of my "sketchbook" (tbh its just a little A5 book that i doodle in) so obviously some of the pages are much weaker than others, and i favour others a lot more than their neighbouring pages haha (/^\)
This is one of the most recent pages from the same sketchbook, but i really like this one!! i used a clipping from an old National Geographic and i just started doodling and yeah..

So that is kind of the extent of my *'~'*.,"*fabulous*",.'~'* drawing abilities
(which are practically non-existent).

thank you for reading
(i'll try to be much more interesting in future posts)
sleep well sweet lil things!!

Friday, 15 November 2013

the 'oops i haven't posted for like 10 days post'

What i am currently listening to ♪~(´ε` )
oops guys i'm sorry for not posting in a while, i haven't really had much to post about! But i thought that i would make just a little post to show you that i haven't given up yet!
(if i anyone even reads my blog that is)
On with the tunes~

Warpaint - Billie Holiday (Rough Trade Sessions)
should i write why i like it?? who knows
but anyway I saw warpaint live last month, and they were a-m-a-z-i-n-g
the vibes at the gig were really good and Antoinette and I were at the barrier and it was just a super good night! wah i wanna go back

DIIV - Follow
I actually found this song through someone on instagram and have loved it ever since! It's just such a feel good song, you know? As soon as it starts playing i start to feel super happy?? “ヽ(´▽`)ノ”

Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams
I love Marilyn Manson and i love this song so Manson singing this song is just the best ok

(guys i'm actually so bad at this, i don't even know how many songs to do)

Grimes - Unplugged (unknown song)
i'm not too sure what draws me to this song it's just really soothing and relaxing to listen to (all i really know is that i like it a lot)

(i think thats enough)
As always, thank you for reading~ 
(maybe you guys can comment and tell me what you'd like me to post about?)
I will try to make much more interesting posts in the future (シ_ _)シ
Have a nice day!!

Monday, 4 November 2013

the 'i cant sleep so i'll blog' post

i know that November has only just begun but...
Things that I am thinking about asking for for Christmas!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Ever since I was a kid, I remember looking forward to Christmas, and making my list months in advance. It appears even now i have not dropped the habit ^o^

In my family, everyone gets super excited for Christmas, and even though it is only the very beginning of November, i can feel the butterflies of anticipation starting to wriggle in my tummy!

I'm not really sure what i want this year so i kind of just had to google things that i like and explore?? But in the end i have come up with these few items that i thought were super cool (´ q ` ” )

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

this was really just an 'i can't sleep so i'll try and do something productive post' so i'm sorry for wasting your time haha (シ_ _)シ
on the other hand if anyone wants to know what any of the items are then please message me either through here or on tumblr!

I suppose i'll try to sleep now?

the 'we made terrariums' post

Terrarium Jars
(and my nana's farm!!)(a lot of pictures)

I have almost been back in London for a week now, but am only just making this post! (laaAaAAaAaaaAazy) So, the day after we went to Mumbles, Monday 28th October, Antoinette and I went to visit my nana's farm in Port Talbot (´∀`)♡
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
While waiting for our lunch of home-made pizza to cook, we decided to use some of the empty jars that were hanging about to make terrarium's!       


We started off by filling the jars about a quarter or half the way up with damp soil, so that it would be easy to manipulate it later on ^o^  (we used normal growing soil from a bag we conveniently found in the garden).
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
After that, we wandered around the farm garden until we found some cute little plants that we wanted to put in our jars! We then parted the section that we wanted from the rest, and gently pulled the plant (including the roots) from the ground, and used our fingers or a butter knife to make a little dip in the soil in the jar and planted  them! (If you're using this as a reference, you're probably not, but don't forget to push the soil around the plant's stem to help keep him straight, okay?)

Next we had to explore for some moss to cover the rest of the visible soil! You can usually find it in damp shady places. We found ours on some wood next to one of the barns, but you can find it growing on rocks and trees and by streams too :-) We used the butter knives to cut the moss from the wood, and it came of really easily which i thought was a bit surprising?? But thinking about it logically it would be quite easy to remove!
(moss grows without roots)

In my jar, i had a bit of a gap where i used some of my soil to hold up my plants, so i used a couple of stones to fill it, and put moss on top of that! It was really just a compromise because i was too lazy to trek back to the garden for a bit more soil, but it ended up looking super cute!! (。^_^。 )人( 。^_^。) *high five*

I don't really have any pictures of how lovely they looked when they were finished, but you should definitely try it for yourself! They were super duper therapeutic to make too (*´∀`*)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

More images from the farm!!
(mainly from the conservatory to be honest)
My nana had some old national geographic's hanging about, so we had a lot of fun reading them!
my nana was also showing me some of the children's books she had, since i am super interested in illustration!

After lunch and all our adventuring, Antoinette and I sat down for a bit with my nana and talked, which was amazing since they are two of my favourite people in the world and i was with them both at once!!

Thank you for reading, and i do hope that the length of the post was not too overwhelming!
As i am back in London, the posts will be a little different i suppose haha.

Credit to Antoinette for taking most of the photographs! 
Check out her blog, she's a cool cat 。(*^▽^*)ゞ

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Bye for now!

plant gif photo: plant.gif plant gif photo: plant.gif plant gif photo: plant.gif

Sunday, 27 October 2013

the 'we went to the sea when it was cold' post


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Today Antoinette and I went to Mumbles in Swansea!
It was super cold and windy and there were bouts of heavy rain but we had a lot of fun, and despite the weather we got ice cream!!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

We went down on to a little beach and we could see the waves crashing against the rocks and cliffs in the distance and they were massive and created a huge spray of icy water.
I thought about paddling in the sea but i was scared of losing my toes 
(or becoming an icy spray of megan against the rocks) ヘ(。□°)ヘ

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
As well as big waves there were some little waves knocking about at the bottom of the pier. If i was a wave i'd be some dumb little wave that could not even shift a pebble out of place haha (/. \)'

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

my dad took the above and below pictures, you can look at the rest of his stuff here if you're curious ^o^

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Thank you for reading!!!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

the 'im new here' post

excuse me!!
(esgusodwch fi) (excusez-moi)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

For someone who won't shut up in real life i am actually finding it quite difficult to find something to say right now hahahahahahaha, oh dear..

Well, my name is Megan and i like to draw like a seven year old with a case of the shaky hand. I also like to lie in the grass and pick flowers and i love my boots?? 

hm ok so i was born in Wales and i am actually staying in Neath with my best friend until Tuesday, when i will return back to London where i live!

this is me!!!

I'm not too sure right now what i will be posting about or how frequently i will do it, but it will probably be spontaneous posts about what i have been buying/wearing/reading/watching/doing?? maybe (who knows)

If you want to know anything else or maybe just chat or whatever then you can message me on tumblr!!

Well i hope to talk to you soon!!

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥