the 'im new here' post

excuse me!!
(esgusodwch fi) (excusez-moi)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
For someone who won't shut up in real life i am actually finding it quite difficult to find something to say right now hahahahahahaha, oh dear..
Well, my name is Megan and i like to draw like a seven year old with a case of the shaky hand. I also like to lie in the grass and pick flowers and i love my boots??
hm ok so i was born in Wales and i am actually staying in Neath with my best friend until Tuesday, when i will return back to London where i live!
this is me!!!
I'm not too sure right now what i will be posting about or how frequently i will do it, but it will probably be spontaneous posts about what i have been buying/wearing/reading/watching/doing?? maybe (who knows)
If you want to know anything else or maybe just chat or whatever then you can message me on tumblr!!
Well i hope to talk to you soon!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
awesome photo! love potted pants esp succulents and best wishes on the start of your blog :) also, thank you for taking the time to follow my blog, followed back and looking forward to your updates.